Whitman Controls

oil & gas

Tuesday mornings are arguably the best possible time of the week to be reminded of high school science terms we haven’t thought about for too many decades. Or at least for one Tuesday morning in particular, in which we received an email asking about our experience in gas control for interferometry propagation. We’ll save you a Wikipedia search – lasers; they were referring to lasers. This email was from a leading CO2 fabrication laser manufacturer looking for assistance in solving a gas mixture delivery challenge for an upcoming continuous laser marking application.

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If readers ever need a reminder that workplace accidents can occur at any time, from any source, without warning, breezing through the OSHA Catastrophic Accident database will surely do the trick. Responding to an uptick in accidents involving compressed gas cylinders, this is exactly what one of our long-time distribution customers did in searching for ways that they could help reduce their end-users’ risk.

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Recently, a midstream energy producer contacted Whitman to discuss an application that sought to optimize these proportions towards cleaner burning, more efficiently produced end-products. The issue at hand was inaccurate, high cost, high maintenance level control in the distillation feed tanks. Good thing custom level control is right up our alley!

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