Whitman Controls

Temperature Gauges

Instrumentation 101:  Temperature Monitoring

As with so many modern technology trends, the concept and the reality of cleantech are often two different things. There is ample discussion out in the world about the aspirations of cleantech, but not nearly enough detail on how cleantech principles can be directly applied in practice. This is particularly true in industrial automation and process control arenas, a fact that we here at Whitman Controls see firsthand. From our vantage point, we see ample potential for cleantech-inspired process automation developments in the years to come, starting with applying customized process instrumentation towards cleantech goals.

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Worker Using Dry Fog For Disinfection
Case Studies

Application Case Study: Liquid Level Control in Dry Fog Disinfection

Most of us working in industrial fields are endlessly impressed by large scale fluid applications, especially those that seem too complex or massive to comprehend. Intercontinental pipelines, hydroelectric dams, and municipal water treatment plants are just a few examples that come to mind. As impressive as these monstrous systems can be, there’s ample reason to be equally inspired by applications on the opposite end of the spectrum, where miniscule amounts of fluids can be pumped accurately down to a fraction of a raindrop in volume.

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Industrial workers having a conversation

Vibrating Fork Instruments in Industrial Process Control

As with so many modern technology trends, the concept and the reality of cleantech are often two different things. There is ample discussion out in the world about the aspirations of cleantech, but not nearly enough detail on how cleantech principles can be directly applied in practice. This is particularly true in industrial automation and process control arenas, a fact that we here at Whitman Controls see firsthand. From our vantage point, we see ample potential for cleantech-inspired process automation developments in the years to come, starting with applying customized process instrumentation towards cleantech goals.

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Aeroplane manufacturing floor
Case Studies

Application Case Study: Vacuum Control in Electron Beam Welding

Most of us working in industrial fields are endlessly impressed by large scale fluid applications, especially those that seem too complex or massive to comprehend. Intercontinental pipelines, hydroelectric dams, and municipal water treatment plants are just a few examples that come to mind. As impressive as these monstrous systems can be, there’s ample reason to be equally inspired by applications on the opposite end of the spectrum, where miniscule amounts of fluids can be pumped accurately down to a fraction of a raindrop in volume.

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Case Studies

Application Case Study: Temperature Protection in Airport Passenger Boarding Equipment

Most of us working in industrial fields are endlessly impressed by large scale fluid applications, especially those that seem too complex or massive to comprehend. Intercontinental pipelines, hydroelectric dams, and municipal water treatment plants are just a few examples that come to mind. As impressive as these monstrous systems can be, there’s ample reason to be equally inspired by applications on the opposite end of the spectrum, where miniscule amounts of fluids can be pumped accurately down to a fraction of a raindrop in volume.

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pump control meter
Case Studies

Application Case Study: Pressure/Vacuum Protection in Metering Pump Applications

Most of us working in industrial fields are endlessly impressed by large scale fluid applications, especially those that seem too complex or massive to comprehend. Intercontinental pipelines, hydroelectric dams, and municipal water treatment plants are just a few examples that come to mind. As impressive as these monstrous systems can be, there’s ample reason to be equally inspired by applications on the opposite end of the spectrum, where miniscule amounts of fluids can be pumped accurately down to a fraction of a raindrop in volume.

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