Whitman Controls

person operating machinery safely

Functional Safety Controls – Protecting Your Employees and Processes

It’s not always so obvious how many (or how few) degrees of protection stand between a normal operation and a significant emergency, especially for more mundane systems that don’t fail in spectacular ways. With this thought in mind, we’re too-often shocked when we hear about incidents where virtually no safety measures were in place, which motivates us to write this article sharing ideas about how engineers can conceptualize safety decisions using a unique layered approach.

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Medical X-Ray Machine
Case Studies

Application Case Study: Pressure Control in Medical X-Ray Systems

Integrated Circuits (or ICs) are the root of most of the technology we rely on in our daily lives, from mobile phones to internet data center servers to communication satellites in orbit. For commercial and industrial businesses, ICs provide the computational power found in all automated equipment and software systems as well. Manufacturing ICs falls within the domain of the semiconductor industry, where all circuit boards, processing chips, and transistor arrays are produced.

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pulp and paper manufacturing

Avoiding Process Upsets in Pulp & Paper Manufacturing

As the poetic analogy goes, if humans live one breath at a time, international trade lives one cargo ship at a time. Each year, an estimated 11 billion tons of goods make their way over open ocean, dutifully transported by over 100,000 active seafaring freight vessels between ports across the world.

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Ozonated Water Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing
Case Studies

Application Case Study: Ozonated Water Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing

Integrated Circuits (or ICs) are the root of most of the technology we rely on in our daily lives, from mobile phones to internet data center servers to communication satellites in orbit. For commercial and industrial businesses, ICs provide the computational power found in all automated equipment and software systems as well. Manufacturing ICs falls within the domain of the semiconductor industry, where all circuit boards, processing chips, and transistor arrays are produced.

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